We, as social animals , facing such as political, soare living in a so-called a cial, and religious concerns/
issues which are addressed
system wherein people
to the local and national
interact with one another.
government. It also tackles
But as we socialize with
the perspective of social
another, responsi- scientists (Sa Lente Ng
bilities and rights have al- Progresibong Sosyoloways been an issue; people hista) on such issues conare always agitating for their cerning the local, national,
rights without knowing their and international factors.
responsibilities first, without As a perspective of being
thinking what would be the
rational on all decisions that
consequences of their acare made, we must be open
tions . One of our brothers
to all consequences that
said, “try to look on what
this publication may bring.
good thing you can contribIn this cover story, we
ute not on what you can
contribute to the destruc- feature the life of this new
tion” (Aladeza, 2013).
group of social scientists
This first issue of the as we pave the way for the
rebirth of this publication.
SURI magazine features
Now, as we take the risks to
how we survive or react to
shoulder the challenges that
this ever changing society;
await us in the field of
how we overcome the probteaching social sciences,
lems that our country is
we are compelled to
re-create the original SURI
So, come on and
explore every bit of information that you read. Let
us walk, and pause for a
while, and you will find that
this is the taste of tomorrow’s story.
We hope that you
would have a great time digesting the varied ideas
contained in this magazine.
Dr. Roel V. Avila (SURI org. adviser) as he
shake hands with former president of the
SURI org.( Sir Edgar P. Aladeza) during the
SURI sponsored seminar last
Just like other
students ,we tend to
balance our time with our
studies; that is the reason
why we just spend a moment to published this one.
Enjoy reading it.
God bless us all .
SURI overnight and seminar preparation
September 28,2013