“To see that all of you pass the LET will be
an honor to me.”
A line that touches our heart, which came
from our late Professor Tadeo E. Ardiente.
A line that also inspires us to strive hard for
our study. Even in the short period of time,
being with our second father, we feel the
support and the love that he gave to us, he
didn’t treat us as his student instead he cares
for us as his own sons and
daughters. He’s the one that always gave advice to us every time we encounter difficulties. He is the first person that get sad when
our group have a conflict and he make sure
that he will make a solution, he didn’t judge
us when we make mistakes instead he extend
his wide understanding and kind heart for us.
In other words,
Prof. Ardiente stands as a loving, caring and
understanding father for the BSE – Social
Teaching, for Prof Ardiente is not
a profession but it’s merely his passion
despite of his age. He still wanted to
teach so that he can impart his
knowledge to his students. A teacher
who is very strict on time. Every time
he has a class he makes sure that he
hindrance to his success but instead, a
comes earlier. One more thing about
stepping stone to his goal, he born poor
him is that he mastered the history
that’s why he promise to himself that he
and geography subjects especially when
will not die poor. He was curious about the
it’s all about Philippines. He mastered
happenings around him. That’s the reason
the significant date in our history. He
why he chooses history as a field of his
imparted knowledge to every PNUans
especially to us.
We know that he is an expert
mentor, and a great man.
In his journey, he experienced
many obstacles, but he pointed out
that his inspiration ito surpass all of
the hardens in his life is being poor.
He didn’t let poverty to become a
He became a good model to us, an inspiration to be considered and a FATHER
for the BSE – Social Science. Even though
his journey ends his story ,knowledge will
continue to inspire us and will remain in our
hearts until the end of our lives.