Surface World June 2019 Surface World June 2019 | Page 36

THE GALVANIZERS ASSOCIATION SUSTAINABLE AWARD WINNER Hauxley Wildlife Discovery Centre Brightblue Studio - Northumberland The four clear aims and achievements of the wider Dynamic Druridge project were to inspire and engage people about nature, to build a new Sustainable Wildlife Discovery Centre and to recreate and reconnect habitats to increase biodiversity. Located on the North East Coast, the site is on the Hauxley Nature Reserve which was an old open cast mine. As with many elements of the project, an important objective was that of demonstrating the possibilities of using a non skilled workforce, using widely accessible and affordable components yet still producing high quality building of architectural interest. The project also made use of galvanized gabions as a primary structural component for the first time in the UK. The structural engineer utilised the experience of Haiti post the 2010 earthquake. Galvanized gabions were chosen as the key foundation link structure for the project as they were ‘fillable’ by the volunteer workforce – the central corridor is a tour-de-force – and moveable by a single person. They also accommodate movement as the whole strategy of the structural design was one of adaption to the complex brownfield site. The galvanized solution in this location provides a cost-efficient solution, that was both humble, easy to transport to site, suitable for the location for the longevity of the building, and easily adjustable to suit the changing site conditions. HIGHLY COMMENDED Cadix Housing Stephen Taylor Architects - Antwerp, Belgium Cadix Housing is a new residential building over six levels and comprises a mix of 27 triplex, duplex, and single level homes, commissioned by the housing association Woonhaven Antwerpen. The brief was for an apartment building in the area surrounding Antwerp’s old docks as part of the urbanism strategy set out for their redevelopment. Sitting within the rugged industrial context of the old docks, the new brick building needed to be a robust addition to the neighbourhood that could hold its own against the sturdiness 34 JUNE 2019 of its historic neighbours. Its masonry volume is softened by the refined detailing of its architectural metalwork, ranging from windows and doors to gates and balustrades, which present a finer character to the parts of the building that residents come into contact with. There were several strands to the thought process that resulted in galvanizing being specified for the important communal design features in the building. Foremost amongst these was the direct and unpretentious nature of the finish, together with its attractive material qualities. Combined with the relative cost of galvanizing compared with other materials and finishes that can work within the same constraints of budget, longevity, material strength, and aesthetic appeal, it offered unparalleled value for this 100% affordable housing project. Seen up close the understated variegations in patina provide an attractive depth of expression, which complements the equally rich surrounding materials of brickwork and cast stone. As these are the parts of the building that will be touched and experienced through the act of living here, the fact that the galvanized finishes will dull or polish dependent on use and wear, will add a further layer of refinement to this appearance as the building ages. twitter: @surfaceworldmag