Sure Travel Journey Vol 5.1 Summer 2019 | Page 57

SURE TRAVEL JOURNEY: What made you first start thinking about the impact your travel had on the environment? KAYDEN KLEINHANS: Coming from a background where I’d worked as a London-based bicycle courier, my natural transition into global travel was a two-wheeled affair. My first big ride was across Australia and Southeast Asia. The realisation that I was crossing vast distances on human energy, breathing in clean air, made me reflect on the differences between the daily filthy grind of the bike messenger and the near spiritual quest of the bike adventurer. This was the catalyst in my understanding of what it meant to tread lightly on this planet and how important that is. I suppose the addiction to that magic and wanting to protect it was – and is – a major factor. How long did you prep for that first journey? Not long, actually – with my bike messenger roots, my fitness levels were already pretty well honed. Having said that, convincing my girlfriend at the time that riding a bike thousands of kilometres across the driest continent on Earth was a great idea took a little longer. I guess that’s why I’m still riding bikes and we’re no longer together! What did your friends and family say before you set out? I’ve always been fairly intrepid, so I suppose the rumblings of a big epic adventure were never too far away. This was pre-social media, so the initial followers of the trip received emails with a few photos attached. It did, however, inspire one mate to down corporate tools and join me for a leg of the Southeast Asian expedition – an amazing bonding experience that forged a friendship for life. I was later the best man at his MAKE MEMORIES FOR LIFE // 57