Supporting Effective Teaching in Tennessee: Executive Summary | Page 21

School Funding The maintenance and improvement of public schools requires both sufficient funding and the appropriate allocation of resources. Adequate school funding levels are at the core of many education policy debates. However, among researchers, there is an ongoing debate about the effect of per pupil spending on student achievement. Although there are some variations in opinion, the broad consensus is that the most important question to consider is how education funds are spent rather than simply what level of education funding is available. While additional funds may be necessary to fund specific programs or positions that increase student achievement, research suggests simply increasing overall educational expenditures does not automatically increase student achievement.28 As Figure 3.8 illustrates, Tennessee ranks 44th in the nation in per pupil expenditures, with an average per pupil expenditure of $8,022. This is $1,941 below the national average of $9,963 and ranks second to last in the Southeast, above only Mississippi.29 At $45,030, Tennessee’s average teacher salary also falls significantly below the national average of $52,308. This results in Tennessee’s average teacher salary ranking 40th in the nation, again ranking second to last in the Southeast ahead of only Mississippi.30 Tennessee uses the Basic Education Program (BEP) to determine the state’s level of funding for each district. Created as part of the Tennessee Education Improvement Act of 1992, Figure 3.8 State Per Pupil Spending on K-12 Education, 2007-08 Washington, DC New Jersey New York Vermont Wyoming Massachusetts Connecticut Delaware Maine Maryland Rhode Island Pennsylvania New Hampshire Hawaii Michigan Illinois Virginia Wisconsin Alaska Minnesota West Virginia U.S. Average Arkansas Georgia New Mexico Kansas California Oregon Indiana Colorado Louisiana Washington Kentucky Montana Southeast Average Alabama Ohio Florida Nebraska South Carolina North Dakota North Carolina Missouri Iowa South Dakota Tennessee Texas Oklahoma Idaho Mississippi Nevada Utah Arizona $9,963 $8,969 $8,022 $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 Average Per Pupil Expenditures on K-12 Public Education Source: National Center for Educational Statistics 20 T h e S t a t e o f E d u c a t i o n i n T e n n e ss e e $20,000