Support Our Youth and Families June 2024 | Page 5


The City of Arlington Parks and Recreation Department is dedicated to making sure everyone in the community can participate in and enjoy its diverse programs . Inclusivity is a core value , and Arlington has fully embraced the National Parks and Recreation Association ’ s ( NRPA ) definition of inclusion : “ removing barriers , both physical and theoretical , so that all people have an equal opportunity to enjoy the benefits of parks and recreation .”
This commitment is evident in the wide range of programs designed to serve all community members , including those who might otherwise be underserved . Our Sensory Swim initiative is specially designed for kids who benefit from a quieter , calmer pool environment , ensuring they can enjoy swimming in a way that suits their needs . It ’ s all about creating a safe and enjoyable experience for every child .
Another program is PGA HOPE ( Helping Our Patriots Everywhere ). This program introduces veterans to the game of golf , enhancing their physical , mental , social , and emotional well-being . Our PGA Professionals are not just golf experts ; they are also trained by PGA HOPE staff to understand and support the unique needs of veterans with physical and emotional disabilities . This combination of skills ensures a supportive and inclusive environment that promotes healing and enjoyment .
Accessibility is also a key focus in terms of financial barriers . Our Build a Dream and Camp Dream scholarships and sliding scale fee opportunities help make our activities and camps accessible to all income levels , ensuring that financial constraints don ’ t prevent anyone from participating in our programs .
Inclusivity extends to our playgrounds as well . Every new playground we
build includes inclusive play elements designed to be accessible to children of all abilities . We ’ re also excited to open an all-inclusive , destination playground at Meadowbrook Park in fall 2024 to coincide with our centennial celebration . This playground will be a space where all children , regardless of their physical or developmental abilities , can play together and enjoy the benefits of outdoor recreation .
In Arlington , we believe that parks and recreation should be for everyone . Our efforts to create , implement , and promote inclusive activities are a testament to our dedication to serving all populations , especially those who might otherwise be underserved . By removing barriers and creating welcoming environments , we ’ re ensuring that everyone in our community can enjoy the many benefits of our parks and recreation programs .