Support Our Youth and Families August 2021 | Page 4


The Arlington Public Library is hosting a Job and Training Fair on Saturday , August 7 , 2021 , from 10 a . m . to 2 p . m . at the East Library and Recreation Center located at 1817 New York Ave ., Arlington , TX 76010 . Residents are invited to explore training and / or certification opportunities in fast-growing job fields . They will also learn how to complete their education through our high school equivalency program ( GED ) and sign up for programs like our English as a Second Language ( ESL ) and many more .
Bring your resume ! Employers will be seeking to hire and possibly interview for job openings onsite . Some of the employers in attendance include Amazon , Texas Live !, City of Arlington and AmeriGroup .


Lots of Arlington ISD elementary students will have new playgrounds waiting for them when they return to school in August ! New playgrounds at the 17 schools in phase one are either complete or will wrap up soon .
Thanks to the support of the Arlington community , the 2019 Bond is funding two new playgrounds for all 55 district elementary schools , one for pre-K through first grade , and the other for second through sixth grade . The 55 schools are divided into three construction phases . The playgrounds include shade structures , accessible play equipment and rubber surfaces . While the equipment is standard from campus to campus , schools get to make their own color selections .
At Bebensee Elementary , the new playgrounds opened in April , so students got to enjoy them for a few weeks before school let out for the summer in May .
“ The new playground at Bebensee has been a breath of fresh air for our students , staff and the families in our community ,” Bebensee Principal Charlotte Carter said . “ We are all so excited about the variety of stateof-the-art ‘ learning thru play ’ themes that challenge our students . Plus , it ’ s built with all of our students in mind . We love it !”
Elementary schools with completed playgrounds include Pearcy STEM Academy , Ashworth , Bryant , Bebensee , Williams , Beckham , West , Starrett and Moore .
The new playgrounds at Anderson , Wood , Duff , Crouch , Ellis , Larson and Remynse are nearing completion . Phase two of new playground construction will start in August and includes the following schools : Blanton , Burgin , Butler , Crow , Ditto , Dunn , Farrell , Fitzgerald , Hill , Kooken , Morton , Patrick , Rankin , Sherrod and Wimbish .