Support Office Learning Specsavers-Guide-to-your-training-v2.3 | Page 33

iLearn These days people are used to taking the initiative to pick up new knowledge or skills and learn in a variety of ways. iLearn has many learning bundles which you will find under Available Training. With increasingly busy lifestyles, time is precious, and quick, accessible learning solutions prevail: YouTube has become our day-to-day instruction manual; people ask Google before they refer to a book; learning-on-demand beats learning when it’s available. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it yourself using the “Forgotten Password?” You can search for workshops on the training calendar and book directly by clicking on the event. link on the login page. This will only work if your user account has a valid email address in order for you to receive the password reset. If you have not added an email address to your iLearn account, you will need to request that your email address is updated by contacting: [email protected] 33