Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 2 Volume 10, Issue 2 | Page 62

“ It ’ s fantastic that we are constantly deploying vehicles , which utilize our proven technology . However , if a company was experiencing such growth in just one of these three avenues , either increasing our production rate , tripling the number of plants we manage , or increasing the number of platforms we produce , it would be a significant challenge , but all three at once is something else . Fortunately , I love operations and supply chain management with a burning passion , so really , it is exactly what I came here for . It ’ s truly rewarding for me , having such an opportunity to do what I love .”
Key relationships
Jud ’ s team has recently been working to expand the capabilities of the company ’ s existing supply chain , as a means to support its Saint-Jérôme vehicle production facility . The end-goal is to make the chains more repeatable and sustainable so that they are able to match the increase in production rates that the plant is undertaking . They are also creating two new supply chains ,