Supply Chain World Volume 10, Issue 2 Volume 10, Issue 2 | Page 28

Data , especially when described in the context of ‘ big ’ data can be viewed almost as a ‘ dirty ’ word . Why ? Because the perception is that being able to constructively use your organization ’ s data requires employing data scientists and data analysts , a team of data experts , to make sense of the captured data .
This is not necessarily the case . With the right solution , understanding how to realize continuous improvement of your business processes with small step changes becomes easy , without the need for data experts to tell you what your data is already telling you !
Defining key metrics
As with any new technology adoption the most important thing is to be able to start from where you are now , without having to make any disruptive changes , and to understand exactly how your warehouse operation is currently performing by measuring key metrics .
There is no need to get lost in measuring lots of metrics , it is important to focus on the few

The data is right at the warehouse operators ’ fingertips

key ones that drive your warehouse operation .

And , yes , it is now easy to do this . How ? Well , you may or may not be surprised to know that two thirds of the warehouses in the world continue to use terminal emulation ( TE ) software to underpin their operations . TE is important because warehouse operators who have taken steps to deploy solutions such as StayLinked ’ s SmartTE , now have access to today ’ s cutting-edge software platforms , like StayLinked ’ s Evolve , which has the ability to extend every telnet application . These platforms , developed