Supply Chain Canada Q1 2017 | Page 10

Message from the Board Chair

Change is Always Exciting

Mike Whelan , SCMP

As I wrap up my time on the board of directors , I am going to take this moment to reflect on the significant changes we have experienced in the past years . I ’ m also going to look forward to the many more changes we are preparing for as we develop an updated vision of who we strive to be as a member association . This vision will direct our strategic plans for the future . I joined the former PMAC board in 2007 as an NL Institute nominee , and proudly held the C . P . P . designation . Since

that time we have had many changes in who we are , and how we operate , to say the very least ! Our education program transitioned from the former Principles program to the Strategic Supply Chain Leadership Development Program — a much more comprehensive program covering a broader scope of the supply chain . Our designation has also changed to the Supply Chain Management Professional to reflect our broader scope of expertise . Look for more value in our accreditation as time moves on ! We were fortunate to merge with Supply Chain Logistics Canada a number of years back , creating the Supply Chain Management Association . More recently , we have changed our entire governance structure , creating the Federation Council to allow the Institute partners to work together to achieve success , more clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of the respective partners within our federation , and the reconstitution of the national board of directors to a smaller , competency-based board . Many of these governance changes will be evaluated in the near future to determine the successes and the opportunities for further improvement . Looking forward , we are aligning our vision to ensure we are serving supply chain management professionals , advancing our profession , and increasing supply chain knowledge to help create more effective supply chains , delivering value for membership in SCMA , and value for those organizations that employ us . As supply chain professionals we will lead the way in creating value . We are hard at work creating the new strategic plan which will deliver the road map to the new vision . This plan will lay out the broader market we need to represent fully in order to achieve the balanced membership which will encompass the full supply chain , including broader fields of practice and increased levels of responsibility . None of this work would be possible without the efforts of our many dedicated staff — past , present and future — in the National Secretariat , and the Institute partners . Great people have contributed significant talent to getting us where we are today . For this , I thank you . Our association origins come from volunteers and the SCMA continues to be led and supported by volunteers across this country . My deepest gratitude goes to every volunteer who has helped get this organization where it is . You know the value of volunteering , and I encourage all to take part in any way possible . This of course includes the “ collateral volunteers ” — our employers and our families who support us in our efforts . We could not do it without you . For many years we have maintained our membership level as we have laid the foundation for growth . I feel we are at a critical point to grow our critical mass , and I look forward to continuing as a supportive member of this great organization . Thanks to all — it has been a great ride . Keep up the great work !