Supplements Two Oceans Marathon Training Guide 2018 | Page 28
• LSD: Long Slow Distance These runs are essential to preparing for running the race. They should simulate race
conditions as closely as possible, such as temperature, terrain, hills, etc. (RPE 3-5)
• HL: Hills The Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon routes include some big climbs, notably Chapman’s Peak and
Constantia Nek on the Ultra Marathon, so the hill training includes relatively long intervals to prepare for these big
hills. (RPE 6-7)
• SPD: Speed These sessions will include short bouts of high intensity intervals, and will help improve your ability
to surge at necessary points in the race, such as the finish and when passing other competitors. (RPE 7-8)
• TT: Time Trial A race pace run on a measured course to test your fitness and endurance as you prepare for the
race. (RPE 8-9)
• CD: Cool Down Once you have completed the main part of a session, cool down by jogging at an easy pace.
(RPE 2)
• Cross-training These are workouts where you do something other than running, such as yoga, paddling, hiking,
swimming, etc.
It is recommended that you do basic strength training three times a week for 15 to 20 minutes, as this helps athletes
avoid overuse injuries and improves muscle imbalances.
Good luck on your training journey. Train smart, be bold, and have fun!
Personalised Training Programmes Available
Although the training programmes in the next few pages contain all the elements needed for you to succeed
in your training for the Old Mutual Two Oceans 56km or 21km races, they are generic packaged training plans,
and if you would like a plan specifically catered to your physiology, schedule and goals, the Sports Science
Institute of South Africa offers personalised coaching services. For more information, contact Rebecca
Johansson at [email protected] or 021 659 5638.
Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon / Training Guide 2018