Now your first thought might be
“Yes I know I need to exercise!
Tried that and it simply doesn’t
work.” Well, did you know that
before you start exercising, you
should spring clean your liver
to rev up your metabolism?
Here’s how it works:
Let’s start with the basics. Your liver is a large vital
organ that is located under your right rib cage.
The basic functions of your liver include:
• Clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances.
• Processing of hemoglobin for use of its iron
• Production of bile, which helps carry away
waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion.
• Production of cholesterol and special proteins
to help carry fats through the body.
• Conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for
When the liver becomes clogged with fat, it
can’t utilize dietary fat for fuel, or process sugars
effectively. In short, a clogged liver slows the
metabolism and interrupts the processing of
toxins like drugs and alcohol. A fatty, clogged
liver causes a snowballing of symptoms that can
further damage your liver.
Your liver is essentially a detoxifying organ that
also plays a vital role in metabolism.
According to Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Byron J. Richards, the key to weight loss might not
simply be exercising more and eating less. Instead,
he argues, the key to weight loss is springcleaning
the liver.
So what can you do to springclean your liver to
rev up your metabolism? You don’t have to buy
an expensive liver cleanse program, drink special liver cleanse teas and tonics, or starve yourself to “give your liver a break”. Instead, all you
have to do is cut down on a few problem foods
while eating liver supporting foods.
“During weight gain your liver is being punched
in the nose by inflammatory metabolic flu signals
coming from your white adipose tissue (stored
fat) and your digestive tract (bacterial imbalance,
LPS, Candida, etc.). At the same time, your white
adipose tissue is unable to store fat fast e ?????)??????????????????????????????????????)???????L??????????9?????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????t((0