Superman Energy [PDF] Superman Energy | Page 10

when you grasp exactly how it works, you can literally change your life forever Why you've failed to get in shape and how to use energy management to get into the BEST shape of your life... faster than ever... Again, when it comes to health and tness... it's not about time... is about ENERGY! The simple, little changes you can make in your life that will quickly supercharge your energy levels each day... you'll wake up refreshed, become more productive instantly, and ultimately be a “super” version of your current self How to enhance your sleep to enhance your day... sleep is important... too little, or too much can ruin your daily energy levels, and inside I'll reveal the ideal amount of sleep and some simple methods that will help you sleep sounds and get more rest with less sleep (this is powerful stuff that almost no one knows about) The key to waking up full of energy each and every day so you can tackle the day and get everything done that you want... and then some! Why your body has energy cycles and how to “ride the tide” and manage your energy levels throughout the day... being able to