By: Shanel Montreuil
The colors you are exposed to early in your day, may determine your mood and attitude for the remainder of the day. My brother has a room painted yellow and he wakes up every morning anxious or upset. As the day progresses, he gets happy and energetic with the yellow room. His mood improves. My cousin Victoria wears dark colors in order to blend into the crowd. The color black however gives her a sense of power. She is more confident in dark colors than light colors because she could fly under the radar when she is around people. However, when she wants to stand out, she doesn’t stand out too much. Victoria dyed her hair red and she had a lot of attitude. She had a spoiled attitude and was filled with confidence and sass. Victoria dyed her hair pink and white and her attitude changed to being very sweet and charming. When Victoria dyed her hair black, she had a nonchalant attitude that was also confident, but she didn’t stress that much. However, there are times when she would become very depressed for an unclear reason. It’s a contradicting color that leads you to overthink but, raises your confidence at the same time. When victoria dyed her hair purple and blue, she was more adventurous and willing to try different things. She was a lot more outgoing and happy when she had these colors on her head.