Super Science June 2014 | страница 2

Colors are “powerful communication tool and can be used to signal action, influence mood, and cause physiological reactions. Certain colors have been associated with increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, and eyestrain.” The hues and wavelength of colors are all different. You could see in the color spectrum that humans could only pick up certain frequencies of light. The frequencies of the different colors are what affect your mood. It’s a cause and effect reaction. When you see the color red, you automatically feel a type of intimidation because since the nanometers of the wave length is so high; it penetrates your eyes a little bit. That’s why neon and bright colors hurt when you watch them for a long time. This reaction would often affect your attitude towards the color and the object that is that color.

Color Reactions: The Power of Hue

When you wake up in the morning and choose your clothing, your mind subconsciously selects your outfit based on color. If you feel calm, the odd of you choosing to wear a yellow outfit is extremely low. Your mood is determined by what colors you surround yourself with. My sister Samantha subconsciously selects an outfit that reflects her mood in the mornings. When she is angry, she wears red and black. When she is sad, she wears purple. When she is lazy or calm, she wears green. When she is happy, she wears blue. When she is silent or tired, she wears gray. The patterns are consistent with her mood. “Color is a form of nonverbal communication. It is not a static energy and its meaning can change from one day to the next with any individual.”

By: Shanel Montreuil