Super English World 2020 Super English World 2020 | Page 22

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✓ Heroes can complete as many as they want every term. are “a” and “b”. All these stages are part of the same topic and are taken as one topic for the Boss Battle. stages ✓ Stages are expected to be done outside class time. Heroes choose when and where to complete them, but it is suggested that class time is used for Discussions, Missions or Master Quests. ✓ Per the size of the Mission, Missions may be awarded with more than one grade. ✓ Some stages are connected to other majors, these are all just to expand areas of interest and may be used for something else in the future, but don’t give credits to the connected area. ✓ Failed stages provide a grade but no XP nor Credits. This cannot be recovered directly. ✓ Heroes will receive a permanent score for every stage they choose to complete. ✓ All stages are optional except for institutional ones. Institutional Items, such as ECOAS, are mandatory. ✓ Teams may propose their own Missions to complete. These proposals must be approved by JAZ. ✓ You need to complete Mission per term. at least one ✓ Most stages are open since the beginning of the semester, others may be opened at a later date. ✓ If a hero decides to complete a stage, this will reflect in their scores. ✓ Successfully completed stages provide a grade, XP and Credits. ✓ ✓ Some stages come marked with letters “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”. Most A Stage or successful grade. Mission when it is considered has a passing ✓ Although most stages are videos, there are some Reading Stages, these ones are only considered done when the Mission related to them is completed. The stage will get the score of the Mission. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________