SUP Mag UK October 2016 issue 11 | Page 7

Editor Advertising sales Design Tez Plavenieks Anne Egan Tel: (01480) 465081 2b Graphic Design Manson Printers Thanks to the following people who helped make this issue possible: Karin Gertenbach, Siri Schubert, Wilma Zwikker-Killgallon, Matthew Killgallon, Lucy McCormick, Ben and Steve Pye, Simon Winkley, Cal Major, Sam Rogers, Reuben May, Dan Sulsh, Dave White, Fran Blake, Charlie Cripwell, Joe Thwaites, Rob Churchill, Andy McConkey, Jason @Procella, dryrobe, Tiesda You, Farrel O'Shea, Jamie Harman, John Hibbard, Rory Merry, RRD International, Enzo @ Ocean Specific, Rich Marsh @ BSUPA, Richard Heathcote, Stephane Lefevre and Fi Plavenieks. SUPM's test team is: Richard Heathcote, Stephane Lefevre and Tez Plavenieks. Cover: Photo: Joe Thwaites To subscribe in print go to: 7 s t a n d u p p a d Print d l e m a g u k Not all contributors are professional writers and photographers, so don’t be put off writing because you have no experience! Next issue is April 2017 with a deadline of submissions on February 10th. Technical Information: Contributions preferably as a Microsoft Word file with 8001200 words, emailed to Images should be hi-resolution and emailed with the Word file or if preferred, a Dropbox folder will be created for you. SUP Mag UK encourages contributions of any nature but reserves the right to edit to the space available. Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publishing parent company, 2b Graphic Design. The publishing of an advertisement in SUP Mag UK does not necessarily mean that the parent company, 2b Graphic Design, endorse the company, item or service advertised. All material in SUP Mag UK is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. Reproduction without prior permission from the editor is forbidden.