SUP Mag UK November 2021 issue 31 | Page 3

Thanks and praise
Ed ’ s note

Summer , supply and SUP in 2022

It ’ s not been the best summer on record , that ’ s for sure . Nonetheless , a few windows have opened for a spot of enjoyable paddling . Even on the cloudiest , rainiest and breeziest of days , there ’ s an opportunity if you really want it ( and know where to head ). Spotting those times is half the battle with SUP in the UK , especially if you ’ re looking for specific conditions , like flat water ( which most are ). The key to scoring is knowledge . Learning and applying all that essential stand up paddle boarding info is the route to success . Understanding and knowing more will elevate your paddling experience to no end . And from a safety standpoint , it ’ s actually essential . As more paddlers enter the fold , it ’ s imperative to have this information on lock and put it to good use . As well as getting more out of your paddling sessions , it could save your life or somebody else ’ s .
The supply of goods across many sectors ( not just watersports ) continues to be tricky . You may have experience of this first hand , perhaps having ordered SUP gear that ’ s required a wait . From what I see and hear , patience on the part of consumers has been extensive , with everyone in the same boat , so understanding is a given . From a retailer / brand point of view , there ’ s been considerable work to fulfil orders and satisfy demand . The issue isn ’ t going away any time soon , as most will already know . Waiting for your gear , though , will be worth it . So bear with it as it ’ ll all come good in the end . With a board underfoot and paddle in hand , your freedom to have adventures will make it extremely worthwhile . You ’ ll be thankful you held out .
If you scan this issue ’ s reviews / test section , you ’ ll spot a bunch of 2022 stand up paddle boarding kit . Whilst this year ’ s spangly new kit might not have landed properly in the UK , my point is the industry is already looking towards next spring and a continuation of what ’ s gone before . Out of the huge numbers of new paddlers , a percentage will be looking to progress and push on . It could be that an addition to existing quivers will make this happen more fluidly , or you may be looking to swap out what you already own for a more specialist tool . Whatever your situation , there ’ s an arm of SUP for you ( with gear to match ) or simply stick as an all-rounder – it ’ s all good . The main thing is to aim for more paddling in 2022 . You could be planning on taking your stand up paddling through the off season , in which case good on ya ! Whatever your scenario , you can bet your bottom dollar SUP ’ 22 will be here in the blink of an eye . The question is will you be ready for it and set to take another rung up the ladder ? Preparation begins now ...

Thanks and praise

We ’ re aware of how tricky things have been in the last 18 months , so big thanks to everyone who ’ s supported SUPM and continue to do so . The brand ’ s that get kit to us for testing , those of you who contribute the written word , all you photographers and anyone that lends a helping hand in ways unseen . Big up and cheers as always ! Tez Plavenieks – October 2021
Editor Tez Plavenieks tez @ supmaguk . co . uk www . supmaguk . co . uk Insta : @ tez _ plavenieks
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Anne Egan Tel : ( 01480 ) 465081 anne @ supmaguk . co . uk
2b Graphic Design Ltd Peter Tranter peter @ supmaguk . co . uk www . 2bgraphicdesign . co . uk