SUP Mag UK lo-res free to readers July 2014 lo-res - free to read | Page 58

The race season is quite busy, so often there is only 2-4 weeks to prepare for a competition. To break it down: 1-3 weeks hard training and one week before the race of reduced training to recharge for the race event. If it's your first race, choose one which is no sooner than six weeks away. This will allow you to plan for two blocks of three weeks; two weeks training, then have a rest week. At the end of this third week, try to simulate a race – you’ll learn a lot from it. You might want to consider if the recovery period on the third week was too much or too little. You could learn about the right type of nutrition needed during the training period or the type of hydration required when you simulated the race. Once you know this, you can move forward to the next three week block and adjust where necessary, maximising the time available to ensure you are fully prepared. Normally training starts on a low intensity level with higher quantity. Closer to the competition s t a n d u p the intensity becomes the priority and the quantity reduced. The warm ups, cool downs and rests are essential parts of the preparation. It is important not to over train and allow yourself a break, if your body needs it. Training is not easy, especially if you are training alone, but remember each session is a step closer to success. If you have ever prepared for a race before, you know your diet has changed at some point. It is important to be aware of the right type and amount of nutrition at the right time. Before a training session I want to be hydrated and fuelled. If I’ve had a large meal, I avoid training within at least 90 minutes. I aim to eat low GI foods which are broken down slower in the body so the energy lasts longer. If you need to eat before training, fruit will keep you going for a while. During paddling I always take hydration with me in the form of water or an isotonic drink. After a session, I eat within 30 minutes which aids a quicker recovery. p a d d l e m a g u k 58