SUP Mag UK lo-res free to readers July 2014 lo-res - free to read | Page 12

Emily Price gives us her experience of learning to SUP: Name: Emily Price Age: 22 Location: Powys Local SUP spot: Lake Bala and Borth Average paddling duration: Two hours Sup goal: To surf my first waves! At the coal face I had never heard of paddle boards before my boyfriend Julian presented to me his latest online acquisition - a Red Paddle 10.8ft SUP. At first it was a total mystery and I didn't know what to expect, but off we went to our local lake to try it out. I imagine like most beginners my main concern was staying on the board – the first few minutes were spent entirely on my knees. Now, since I grew up on a boat I like to think water should be my natural habitat, so not standing proud simply wouldn’t do! I soon transitioned to standing, doing short paddles and performing simple turns. It was fun, but I soon tired. I wasn't relaxing enough, my legs were all rigid and my muscles quickly began to ache. I knew what to expect for my second go however, and the next session felt much better. Without fear holding me back I now felt confident enough to cross the lake – a distance of 1,200m. Despite the wind picking up and a bit of chop at half distance, I managed it without even a wobble - and enjoyed a good workout too. Seems like a great way to get fit. I now can't wait to SUP some more I have since researched SUP techniques online, and Julian is set to get a second board - we are already planning to tackle some gentle surf at the coast. What I love about SUP is its versatility – what other watercraft is at home on both a lake and in waves, but rolls up into a backpack? Thanks to