SUP Mag UK lo-res free to readers July 2014 lo-res - free to read | Page 63

flows through it… Nantes is a big old French city that occupies land along the Loire River in the west of the country. One of the major hubs in the historic province of Brittany, and the ancient Duchy of Brittany, it’s easily accessible to us Brits. Just a short hop over the Channel by ferry before booting it on to the final destination. Time Magazine voted Nantes as ‘the most liveable city in Europe’ in 2004 and it’s noted for its innovation across multiple economic sectors and cosmopolitan personality. As with any French metropolis, there’s an abundance of hustle and bustle and visitors can while away the hours observing all the busy goings on. 63 s t a n d u p p a d d l e m a g Photos: Pierre Bouras u k