SUP Mag UK lo-res free to readers April 2014 lo-res free to read | Page 4

conte nts 010 The heart of it inland SUP adventures by Chris Kenyon april 14 012 The endless wave UK river SUP by Dave Adams issue one 016 New horizons SUP on Lake Chilika, India by Paul Hyman 020 Grenada Liquid sunshine SUP by Tez Plavenieks 026 60 seconds with Pete Holliday 028 Rapid fire with Jay Haysey 032 SUP the next level Aaron Rowe, Holly Bassett and Ollie Laddiman 038 In the beginning The story of Central SUP by Chris Kenyon 042 Mini guide St Ives Bay, Cornwall 044 Scotland White water wonderland by Brittany Parker 050 The Grill with Jason Pereira from SUPxscape 054 Inflation day London Organised by Brian Johncey of Blue Chip SUP 056 Slaying the beast Great Glen Paddle 2014 by Scott Warren 062 Race face time Race events for 2014 064 News 068 California dreamin’ JSUP Manning bagging Californian SUP 069 Kit reviews 076 Board room Not all contributors are professional writers and photographers, so don’t be put off writing because you have no experience! Next issue is July 2014 with a deadline of submissions on June 5th. Technical Information: Contributions preferably as a Microsoft Word file with 800-1200 words, emailed to [email protected]. Images should be hiresolution and emailed with the Word file or if preferred, a Dropbox folder will be created for you. SUP Mag UK encourages contributions of any nature but reserves the right to edit to the space available. Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publishing parent company, 2b Graphic Design. The publishing of an advertisement in SUP Mag UK does not necessarily mean that the parent company, 2b Graphic Design, endorse the company, item or service advertised. All material in SUP Mag UK is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. Reproduction without prior permission from the editor is forbidden. s t a n d u p p a d d l e m a g u k 4