SUP Mag UK June 2020 issue 25 | Page 3

editor’s note Strange times… How was it for you? …lockdown that is. Did you cope? Or did you go stir crazy? Are one of those who’ve been (and still, as I write) shielding so can’t get wet yet? Maybe you’re back on the water and have been the last few weeks. At the very least the weather’s been lovely (certainly in my neck of the woods). Couldn’t have asked for much better in fact. And I’m thankful for a garden, as I appreciate those without may have found lockdown particularly tough – especially for those with young children. So now what? COVID-19 is by no means eradicated. Economically things are going to be challenging, so I get the need for businesses to re-open. But how will that affect infection rates and so on? Nobody knows, so it’s still very much suck it and see. And what of SUP? As we’re not out of the woods yet and a lot of foreign travel is restricted (I do feel for those who’ve booked overseas holidays and are now not able), it’s looking likely that 2020 will be the year of the (true) staycation. Sticking close to home has its merits, particularly if the weather continues to play ball. Because of this, as well as other factors, stand up paddle boarding sales – especially inflatables – have shot up since lockdown restrictions were eased – at least from what I’ve been told. It makes sense when you think about it. Having an easy to transport/use water toy is a way to increase overall fun and enjoyment when at the beach, lake or river. From a recreational SUP stand point this is probably the summer that will be bigger than ever. The perfect cocktail of elements in the wider world coming together to benefit the iSUP industry – at least in the short term. Of course, the wider issue of people losing jobs and having no income, having had to furlough for a few months, is a real concern. It seems we’re determined to make the most of what’s on offer during these high season months of strange times though. So ironically SUP seems to be doing well. The ease of getting involved for the first time and not having to take things too high performance, only helps. SUP as a lifestyle in the grass roots sense then… For us at SUPM it’s been a bit up in the air as to the logistics of putting a magazine together. Kit testing’s been a bit squiffy, with no water time during lockdown. This meant missing out on potential sessions with conditions applicable to kit such as surf SUPs. But we’ve still got there (just). Then there’s distribution headaches, such as actually getting SUPM printed and delivered in physical form. Having had the green light to start up again, the companies we work with, are now in a position to fulfil subscriptions and those new to the mag purchasing hard copies – hence why you’re reading this! SUPM is thrilled to be back for another issue, having weathered the storm of lockdown. Hopefully the whole pandemic will ease further – fingers crossed. In the meantime enjoy this issue of SUP Mag UK and if you’re able to get on the water make the most of it! Stay safe, observe the rules, and as always, holler at us if you want to contribute or have any feedback. Thanks for your support! Tez Plavenieks, June 2020 [email protected] Twitter: @tezwoz. Instagram: @tez_plavenieks_sup_wind