Events to come
The National Champs
Next up after a much-needed summer break is our National Champs in Nottingham on September 3rd and 4th . This year we are running not only the usual sprints in partnership with British Canoeing but also our first proper Distance Race National Champs . Our options are for a 10-16km race through Nottingham city centre . Details are still being finalised and will be released through our website and social channels shortly .
Viking Bay Classic
Once more , we are finishing our Tech Series on October 1st at Kent ’ s Viking Bay , in the heart of Broadstairs town centre . Last year proved to be a huge success with the races , but its biggest achievement was the number of spectators able to watch the action . For the 2022 event , we plan to drop in the same format we ran at Falmouth . Partnering with Kent Surf School , who will
host us on the day , and Kent SUP racing , also running their SouthEast Regional Series finale as part of this year ’ s event . Current plans are for the national series Tech Race in the morning , WSA Junior activities over lunch and a hybrid tech race in the afternoon for the SouthEast series . If you are looking for exciting racing and plenty of action , then the Viking Bay Classic is it !
One of our goals with the new GBSUP formation is to inspire newcomers to the sport . Juniors are a key pillar in making that goal work , and our partnership with the Water Skills Academy has allowed us to start the process of building up our junior offering . The WSA has been instrumental through their Junior Rep Ben Julian , who created the blueprint for our clinics and races this year . At each hosting event , we have been fortunate enough to have WSA ambassadors and coaches lead the junior sessions .
Juniors will continue to grow for us . We have a full Junior structure in mind to offer proper competitive racing and help support our next generation of paddlers .
Fundraising for the RNLI
Our 2022 fundraiser in support of the RNLI has raised just over £ 3,000 , with more yet to be added to the total from recent efforts . To put that value into context , £ 3,000 covers just the clothing needed for one crew member to go to sea on an inshore and allweather lifeboat as we have at my local station in Ramsgate .
Our very own Lauren Newman-Warren has once again taken upon herself a triathlon challenge of a 2km sea swim , 10km sup and a 10km run . A fantastic achievement with donations of over £ 500 received so far .
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