SUP Mag UK April 2024 issue 40 free | Page 5

Photo : David Haze

Twelve 4 Twelve for Mind

As many of you might know , David Haze is making a name for himself in SUP . He holds eight world records , including the fastest time to SUP the longest lakes in England , Scotland , Wales , Northern Ireland and Ireland , and the River Thames .
Earlier this year , David became a full-time adventurer . He will undertake one adventure every month for a year , calling his campaign ‘ Twelve4Twelve ’ and fundraising for the mental health charity Dorset Mind .
He told me , “ My mental health has had a huge impact on my life . After two failed suicide attempts , I was fortunate to find peace with myself through paddleboarding and help myself become a more positive individual . As I share my story , I also want to help others find peace . I want to use my platform to raise awareness and money for Mind .”
January was David ’ s only non-SUP-related adventure , cycling 300km in 35 hours to Paris . In February , he undertook ex-navy seal

SUP love in Leicestershire

Many of you will know Shilpa , who , in 2022 , as a Paddle UK ( formerly British Canoeing ) She Paddles ambassador , completed her 165-mile SUP , The Grand Union Canal challenge .
During the trip , she received so much support from family and friends , including her 91-year-old Mum , Rambhaben , who
Photo : Shilpa
David Goggins ’ challenge to SUP for four miles every four hours for 48 hours . The March goal was to paddle the Grand Union Canal as fast as possible , to attend a conference at the NEC , and return .
Other challenges this year include paddling the Dorset coast , returning to highaltitude paddling on Europe ’ s highest lake , a solo crossing of the Adriatic Sea , and his 33 world records in 66 days challenge .
To support his fundraising , https :// justgiving . com / pag e / 4x4x48sup . Instagram @ nomadicpaddler
runs a ‘ Prem Group ’ for mainly elderly Asian women across Leicestershire in the Mayflower Church hall . Prem means Love , and the women come together once a week from across the county to practise yoga . They have recently expanded their fitness activities to include some strength training , and they are aware of the importance of keeping their bones strong and warding off osteoporosis .
Shilpa , who is also a keen cyclist , told me , “ I am a great believer in the benefits of exercise and SUP , in particular for building core strength and the power of being outdoors in nature for our soul .”
Having seen Nicola Baird , a 2024 She Paddles Ambassador , take her paddleboard to a community event in London , Shilpa decided to take her Quroc 11ft 6 ins board to her Mum ’ s Prem Group yoga class .
The women had the opportunity to stand on her pumped board and paddle on dry ground , helping each other to climb on and off .

Teenage mental health in blue spaces

It was inspiring to see Mike Smith and the Red Foundation join together to launch a new initiative to support teenage mental health using the healing effects of blue spaces , specifically paddleboarding . With Red ’ s support , Mike will be going into schools to present workshops on the benefits of SUP and blue spaces for mental health and , importantly , how to use those places safely .
Mike ’ s ultimate goal is for the initiative to eventually become a charity , The SUP-Planet Earth Foundation , where watersport centres will apply for funding to cover the cost of free 1 – 2 – 1 lessons for students struggling with their mental health . Students may be referred by their GP or colleges .
Having enjoyed a glassy paddle with Mike in Sidmouth , Devon , for my first book , I know how passionate Mike is about making a difference and how hard he has worked to make this next step a reality . He told me , “ It is well known that mental health services across the country are beyond capacity , and since the pandemic , our teenagers have been largely forgotten . In a society where life is becoming increasingly harder , we must find ways to support the next generation by encouraging healthier mental choices . I am immensely proud to be part of the Red Paddle Team .”
For more information about the Red Foundation , go to www . red-equipment . co . uk and find Mike on Instagram @ sup _ planetearth .
Photo : Mike Smith
“ The expression on their faces was one of sheer delight ,” she said , “ it was as if they were actually paddling .”
The Prem Group supported Shilpa in 2022 when she paddled through Leicester city centre , enjoying a picnic together in Abbey Park . So they can experience the incredible beauty of the waterways , she has now arranged to take them out in July on a specially adapted narrow boat with the Peter Le Merchant Trust . They will go along part of the Grand Union Canal route she paddled on her adventure . I wish them so much joy !
To follow Shilpa ’ s SUP adventures , find her on Instagram @ sup . loving . shilpa .