SUP Mag UK April 2024 issue 40 free | Page 32

Always use your senses as well as the information from any weather app . Apps can often be wrong , so keep a degree of flexibility in your approach to the paddle .
Always wear layers of clothing appropriate to the conditions . Also , wear a PFD and take a communication device . It is more likely you will fall in , and in more extreme situations , it is not unknown whether leashes will snap or Velcro belts will work free .
Skills that improve over time
The more you experience downwind , the more overall awareness you gain . Your timing will improve , leading to more satisfying runs . Your confidence will increase , leading to a more relaxed state .
Another area that improves is a greater ability to read the sea . Ultimately , you will become a much more accomplished allround paddler .
A word about downwind boards
The quality of SUP equipment available to the average SUP enthusiast is incredible . Boards have become more and more specialised , lighter and narrower . Flat water boards are the fastest boards ( which makes them so popular ), but on the sea , only the top paddlers can get the best out of them . All water boards are more forgiving and are a great single choice for all-round use . However , downwind boards add a new
PLOT YOUR ROUTE BY USING A WEATHER APP BEFORE GOING OUT dimension when downwinding , especially in more challenging conditions . I started using a SIC Bayonet recently and am so impressed with its ability in certain conditions .
I used a SIC Atlantis in the past , but I knew my skills needed to be improved to use it beyond a certain point . However , using a Bayonet , there is an unbelievable difference in performance ( comparing the same person to the same conditions ). The additional rocker and the upturned sharp nose make the board surge forward with every wave or swell . The narrow tail stops the waves from the back , pushing the rider offline . The small , narrow fin coupled with a very interesting hull makes the board more neutral in cross-chop . In short , if you want to get into downwind , invest in a downwind board .
Downwind racing
There are some world-renowned downwind races . Watch the Molokai on YouTube to see how the masters handle the open ocean . The fitness and skill required to complete this race is beyond 99.9 per cent of paddlers . But there are few downwinding races that mere mortals can enter .
My favourite occurs at the World SUP Festival , Santa Pola near Alicante . Unlike races on the flat , this race starts in one location and finishes at another . Downwind racing is entirely different to flat water . In flat water , you can always find someone to draft . You can always see what ’ s going on around you . A race strategy is apparent to you throughout the race . But in a downwind race , you can ’ t draft .
The field is spread over a wide sea area within a kilometre of the start . It ’ s tempting to try catching every wave and go hell for leather . But if you do this , you ’ ll join 40 per cent of the field who have done the same and burn themselves out with 4 km to go . You can ’ t watch the people around you because frustration can quickly take over , especially if they seem to be progressing better than you . No , you have to focus on your race , focus on the sea and catch the best waves minute by minute . It ’ s a massive mental challenge . These races remain with you as defining experiences of your SUP mentality .
Final words
Downwinding demands the entire skill set from the paddler . You find yourself in ‘ flow ’ when you challenge yourself to the extreme of your capabilities . You feel alive ; you get a rush . You also grow in confidence and make step changes in your SUP ability .
Downwinding is a fascinating part of SUP . It ’ s a great experience to share with fellow paddlers and will leave you with lasting memories of achievement . It may take years to master , but improving over time is richly rewarding .
In short , ‘ I love it !’