SUP surfing vs SUP foiling
By Tez Plavenieks
Q & A Sancha Myall of Saltbirds SUP
The Gower Lumenator event
By Stuart Gammon
Q & A Iain McCarthy & Molly McKibben
of SUP hub Northern Ireland
In conversation with
Jack Somerville
Ed ’ s note
The long road to learning
SUP Mag UK has always prided itself on publishing informative , educational and ( hopefully ) entertaining content . We cover a broad range of topics , with standup paddle boarding being the umbrella . Anyone who participates regularly will be well aware of SUP ’ s versatility . Not only that , but paddle boarding has the power to open riders ’ minds and allow the ‘ net ’ to be cast even further . We know many a stand-up paddler who started at SUP before diversifying their activities whilst keeping paddle boarding at the top of the list , naturally …
As has been well publicised , there have been many new recruits into SUP these last few years . Some will have fallen by the wayside , granted , but a large percentage will be heading down that path of progression and development . To safely navigate the route , however , it ’ s vital the correct signposting is put in place . As much as anything to keep those with fewer skills safe , but also to ensure the overall experience of paddle boarding and its buddy sports is positive and fulfilling .
With so much knowledge and info available from various sources , it ’ s sometimes hard for those searching to know where to look . One such resource , however , is this very magazine . Based on my above comments regarding the type of publication SUPM is , those paddlers and riders looking for inspiration , aspiration , and knowledge would do much worse than opening these pages and soaking up what ’ s on offer . The contributors we work with are full of information about every part of the sport . From a learning point of view , this is excellent news as it means there are tons to pull from and refer back to time and again .
Unlike a website or social media stream , a physical publication like SUPM is real , hard and tangible . Having a physical ‘ thing ’ in your hands can often be more engaging and a way to absorb even more knowledge . There ’ s nothing wrong with going online and searching for what you need . But magazines and books sometimes feel ‘ more real ’ and can therefore make ‘ gening up ’ all the easier .
If you ’ re reading SUP Mag UK for the first time , we hope you enjoy this issue . As a fellow addicted paddler , why not make it a regular thing and reap the benefit of a subscription ? The reasons outlined previously . And for anyone already a SUPM convert , then tell your friends !
Ultimately this magazine is for you guys . You ’ re the ones that make it what it is . So the more readers we have , the more likely we ’ ll be able to continue producing a quality publication . If you ’ re intrigued by SUPM ’ s subscription plans , head over to https :// standuppaddlemag . co . uk / subscribe , where you can find more info . If you have any questions , just shout . Go on , you know you want to !
Back to this issue , and we ’ re chuffed the first one of 2023 is off to a flyer . Hopefully , you ’ ll be getting plenty of paddling in this year . And all with SUPM for company and additional stoke . Thanks to our advertisers :
Gear Shed featuring :
Fatstick , Aqua Marina , YellowV , Flymount , Typhoon International , North Coast Wetsuits , Helly Hansen , C-Monsta , McConks , Dryrobe , Indiana , O ’ Shea , ddipp , Sandbanks Style , NRS , Palm Equipment & Bluefin
Big thanks , as always , to contributors , brands and anyone who helped put this issue together . Get in touch if you want to get involved or have a natter . The door ’ s always open . Tez Plavenieks , April 2023
To subscribe in digital go to : https :// joom . ag / md6d
Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publishing parent company , 2b Graphic Design Ltd . The publishing of an advertisement in SUP Mag UK does not necessarily mean that the parent company , 2b Graphic Design Ltd , endorses the company , item or service advertised . All material in SUP Mag UK is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved . Reproduction without prior permission is forbidden .