Editor Tez Plavenieks tez @ supmaguk . co . uk www . supmaguk . co . uk https :// twitter . com / tezwoz
Advertising sales
Anne Egan Tel : ( 01480 ) 465081 anne @ supmaguk . co . uk
2b Graphic Design www . 2bgraphicdesign . co . uk
Manson Printers Thanks to the following people who helped make this issue possible : Dave White , Charlie Cripwell , Tony Bain , Ian Cormack , Neil Craig , Joan McFadden , Simon Hutchinson , Tim Axford , Mario Stecher , Reuben May , Nick Kingston , Joe Thwaites , Riber UK , Mike Birt , Rory Merry , Farrel O ' Shea , Starboard / Red Paddle UK , Sam and Ben Snell , RRD International , JOBE SUP UK , New Forest Paddle Co ., Hypr UK , SunGod , Passenger , John Smalley , Damian Scott , SUPM ' s test team : Richard Heathcote and Stephane Lefevre plus everyone else who helped make this issue possible .
SUPM ' s test team is : Richard Heathcote , Stephane Lefevre and Tez Plavenieks .
Cover : Photo : Fanatic
To subscribe in print go to : https :// standuppaddlemag . co . uk / subscribe /
Not all contributors are professional writers and photographers , so don ’ t be put off writing because you have no experience ! Next issue is June 2017 with a deadline of submissions on April 10th . Technical Information : Contributions preferably as a Microsoft Word file with 800- 1200 words , emailed to tez @ supmaguk . co . uk . Images should be hi-resolution and emailed with the Word file or if preferred , a Dropbox folder will be created for you . SUP Mag UK encourages contributions of any nature but reserves the right to edit to the space available . Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publishing parent company , 2b Graphic Design . The publishing of an advertisement in SUP Mag UK does not necessarily mean that the parent company , 2b Graphic Design , endorse the company , item or service advertised . All material in SUP Mag UK is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved . Reproduction without prior permission from the editor is forbidden .
5 s t a n d u p p a d d l e m a g u k