SunThisweek Community Guides Lakeville Community Guide 2018 | Page 8

LAKEVILLE C O M M U N I T Y G U I D E 2 0 1 9 FIRE Fire Department at the Lakeville Landscape & Home Expo Firefi ghters earn top rating The Lakeville Fire Department is comprised of 83 paid-per-call/volunteer fi refi ghters and fi ve full- time staff members. There are four fi re stations stra- tegically located throughout the city to provide op- timal response. The full-time staff includes the fi re chief, assistant chief/training offi cer, fi re marshal, fi re inspector and a senior administration assistant. It also has a part-time administration assistant. Every fi ve years, Insurance Services Offi ce (ISO) conduct a Public Protection Class (PPC) survey to evaluate a community’s ability to effectively sup- press and prevent fi res. The areas surveyed are Emergency Communications (911), Water Supply, Fire Department and Community Risk Reduction programs of the fi re department. These categories are given point values that are totaled into a fi nal Classifi cation of 1-10. A Classifi cation of 1 indicates an exemplary fi re protection program and a Clas- sifi cation of 10 indicates fi re protection programs do not meet the minimum standards set by ISO. In 2017, the ISO PPC survey revealed that Lakeville had maintained our rating of a Class 3. In addition, living in an area with a strong fi re protection pro- 8 |LAKEVILLE | Community Guide 2019-20 gram, residents and businesses may also fi nd lower insurance premiums because of this improved clas- sifi cation. Being involved in the community is important for the Lakeville Fire Department. They participate in Fire Prevention Week, National Night Out and Lakeville’s annual summer festival, Pan-O-Prog. In addition to these events, the department gives tours of the fi re stations and make appearances at block parties and other neighborhood activities. During National Fire Prevention Month in October, the department performs demonstrations and teaches residents about fi re safety at its annual open house. Lakeville’s paid-per-call/volunteer fi refi ghters are civic-minded and committed to providing their community the best possible fi re protection servic- es. They take great pride in the city and commit to doing their part to keep it the progressive and safe place it is to work and live. To contact the Fire Department for emergencies, call 911. For all other calls, 952-985-4700. The web- page is