SUNRISE Февраль_веб | Page 68

HEALTH The Perks of Being a Yogi Anna Khayretdinova BSPU, Blagoveshchensk (Russia) These days it is becoming increasingly popular to be engaged in any kind of sport or p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y, to t h e ex te nt t h a t sometimes it seems like all your peers have suddenly exposed their hidden athletic talents. People of all ages buy expensive sport equipment and coaching programs, scroll through healthy diet articles, argue about what protein is better for muscle growth. But in my opinion all these are the professional sportsmen`s concern, and professional sport has nothing to do with being healthy. In this huge variety of all sorts of physical activities my choice is yoga. Another myth connected with yoga is that you have to believe in weird creatures like m a n y - h a n d e d S i va o r e l e p h a nt - fa c e d Ganesha. That is not necessary at all. People start practicing yoga for different reasons: some of them want to have spiritual experience, some simply want to increase flexibility, relieve stress, eliminate anxiety, some people saw pretty pictures on Instagram and felt like it’s easier than lifting weights (spoiler: it is not). I started practicing yoga in 2015 out of a simple interest, and it has never left me since. Of course, developing skills in yoga is a slow, difficult and sometimes rather hurtful progress, but once I notice how much I’ve changed through the months, it gives me inexpressible joy and desire to carry on. Let’s learn some basics of yoga to continue discussing it. Yoga has eight equally important parts to work on: yama (moral advice), niyama (strict behavior rules), asana (different poses), pranayama (breathing exercises), pratyakhara (acknowledging your feelings and addressing them to your core), dkharana (concentration), samadkhi (mindfulness). It goes without saying that it’s nearly impossible to practice every aspect of yoga in our modern hectic life, but even if you try to focus on a few parts of it, yoga will make a huge positive impact on your life. Frankly speaking, all eight aspects are mostly for yoga-instructors or people who are willing to challenge themselves by ashtanga-yoga (“ash” is “eight” and “tanga” is “way” in Sanskrit). For example, one of the yamas is the so-called akhimsa, which literally means “no violence”. So if a person tries to comprehend the “eight-way” yoga and eats meat, it automatically means that he supports the violence in this world, and the first step of this spiritual “journey” is closed for him. Let me ask you, what associations come to your mind right away when someone says “yoga”? I bet it’ll be something like a skinny Hindu man with awfully tangled long hair and a tilak * , sitting in a lotus pose. Fortunately, nowadays yoga has spread all over the Western world, and there’s no need to become that Hindu man. All you need is a yoga mat (or any not slippery mat) and a will to discover the unlimited abilities of your mind and body. Here I’d like to dispel one of the most popular myths about yoga: it is NOT about binding your body in knots, it is a complex and profound practice requiring constant mind work and concentration. *A white or red mark on the men’s forehead, female mark (a red dot) is called bindi 68 SUNRISE February 2019 №2