SUNRISE Февраль_веб | Page 38

SINGING Magic Source of Inspiration Maria Aleksandrova BSPU, Blagoveshchensk (Russia) Hobbies are of different kinds. Singing, dancing, painting, photography, cooking, gardening and the list is just endless. It basically depends on the interest of a person what kind of hobby he is keen on. In my case, I would say that my hobby is singing and I just love singing at every possible chance. To begin with, right since my childhood, I enjoy songs and listening to many different kinds of them. Then when I started picking up the lyrics, my parents realized that I really had a passion for music. So I graduated from music school and began to perform and sing in public. I`ve always had a great desire to improve my voice and now, when I am a student of BSPU I understand that I can continue developing my creative skills. I chose extracurricular activity “pop vocalize”, where the experienced head of the group «Indigo» Irina Shourygina estimated my hearing, timbre and voice, taking into account individual peculiarities, and selected the repertoire of songs for me. I remember that once during the week, the participants had to stage, direct, sing and present their concert performance to other participants. All worked hard and everything worked out for everyone. It was a really warm friendly evening. 38 SUNRISE The desire to sing is a bright mark of what I want and can do, for example, to express my sincere feelings in the most successful form. I believe that people are born with ability to sing. It is impossible to teach and this can only be improved on a base of good initial skills. I always dreamed about it and now my dreams have come true. So, I got into a group of student activists and vocalists called «Indigo». There are many talented girls from all the faculties of BSPU, who work to achieve their goals, and also create cozy vocal concerts. It is creative and bright! Indigo is a vocal team for which the main award will always be the applauses of the audience. I would like to wish dear readers to have patience and bright creative beginnings. Follow your passion and it will make your reach h e i g h t s w i t h g r e a t s a t i s fa c t i o n a n d happiness. I love music and I can say that I'm fond of a lot of musical styles. It depends on my mood: sometimes I need some energetic and light disco music but I can also enjoy classical, lyrical or jazz pieces of music as well. When I want to relax after a stressful day I listen to classical music. It gives me delight, pleasure and a feeling of happiness. Some pieces of classical music are really wonderful. By the way, I used to play the piano some time ago. February 2019 №2