SUNDIAL 2021 | Page 43

Fast Fashion

Eva Andonie
The fashion industry generates 10 percent of the carbon dioxide of all mankind , it ' s the world ' s second-biggest water source user , and contaminates the oceans with microplastics . Within the last years , the term fast fashion has been a repeating topic that is being discussed on a worldwide level . The term “ fast fashion ” describes the concept of low manufacturing costs and high rates of mass growth induced by textile firms leading to this method of development . Fast fashion became a popular topic in the early 2000s by worldwide organizations creating awareness and trying to find a beneficial solution for both companies who produce fast fashion and consumers who consume from them . According to the estimates from the United Nations , the growing fashion industry was driven by increased acceptance of affordable merchandise by the increased young population . Numerically speaking , the youth population in 2019 was 1.2 billion , and by 2030 , it is predicted to rise by 7.9 percent to 1.3 million . Companies that produce fast fashion clothing are not only affecting the environment but are also affecting people who work in environmental rights and the fashion industry . Vulnerable humans that work for companies that produce fast fashion suffer from human rights violations like low payment , exceeded hours of work , and having to work in a harmful environment with toxic substances that can be damaging to their respiratory systems . This concerning issue needs to be addressed now due to the fact that it has secondary effects on more than one aspect . Fast fashion is affecting the fashion industry and having a beneficial outcome only on the companies that employ it . Fast fashion is changing the concept of fashion and defining a misinterpretation of what the fashion world is . The number of brands contributing to this issue are uncountable , yet there are many brands that continue to be popular in society , for example , Zara , H & M , Forever 21 , Top Shop , Urban Outfitters , etc . While worldwide companies will continue to produce low-cost clothing at a big mass production rate there are certain solutions humans can apply to their everyday life that will make a difference in the long run . Due to this issue , several companies around the world are implementing sustainable clothing meaning environmentally friendly clothing which have a positive outcome on the ecosystem and workers ’ s rights . Apart from shopping for sustainable clothing , shopping locally is also a great option to try . Local clothing brands are most likely to follow the clothing production regulations . Another trending solution that has been popularly implemented is buying secondhand clothing , this way you are giving a second life to items that would otherwise be thrown away . “ Less is more ” buying less from better quality will not only have a positive impact on the world but on your personal income . Your clothes will last longer and you will be able to have a balanced economic lifestyle . If this problem continues to develop , in a few years , landfills , oceans , and carbon emissions will be taking over our ecosystem . While this issue continues to occur , it is important to be aware of the damage it is producing on a worldwide scale . Creating awareness will reduce the statistics of the negative effects this problem is having , it will recreate the fashion industry . Choose ethical , buy quality , and consume right .