SUNDIAL 2021 | Page 29

The Beginner ' s Guide to Hiking " for Dummies "

Sofía Rodríguez
If you google “ Monterrey '', you ’ ll be provided with images of the astounding and breathtaking mountains that surround the city . Monterrey ’ s mountains are partly what makes this city so unique , El Cerro de la Silla and La M are iconic staples that cannot go unnoticed . As someone who had lived in Monterrey for nearly 7 years , these mountains did not really hold any great significance to me . They became something normal for me to see once I stepped outside my door . It had never been brought to my attention that people climbed these mountains for the sole purpose of having fun ; however , my perspective changed completely once the pandemic rolled around . For many , including myself , hiking became an escape from the chaos of COVID . The pandemic really “ popularized ” hiking and lately , the most popular hiking sites in San Pedro Garza Garcia and Santa Catarina ( which are , Pico Udem , Calabaseñas , La Cueva de la Virgen , La Raya , Cerro de Las Mitras , etc .) have been explored by hundreds of people . Each one of these summits requires a certain level of technicality and fiscal endurance , which has encouraged young adults to actively exercise . From a teenager ’ s perspective , hiking has become a positive coping mechanism for everything that has been happening around the world .
In an interview with Juan Pablo Torres , an ASFM former student who began hiking five years ago , he shared how hiking has forced him to get out of his comfort zone , meet new people , and live experiences to which he wasn ’ t used to . Juan Pablo shared that he has become the person that he is today because of the culture that this activity represents . It is inevitable to notice that due to COVID , hiking , and trekking has become much more popular and explored by “ el típico Sanpetrino ”. In a comical way , it can be argued that over the last couple of months , hiking became a trend . Every now and then your Instagram feed shows the presence of the adventurous individual who decides to take on the physical challenge . Hikers labeled as “ covid hikers ”, over the simple fact that they had begun to hike during quarantine , have been receiving a lot of criticism and if asked when they ’ d begun to hike “ they were embarrassed to answer ”. As a hiker with over five years of experience , Torres expressed his nonconformity to the criticism being given to “ covid hikers ”. “ What difference does it make when it was that you started ? The point is that you have found something that you love to do .” He believes that it ’ s unfair to give out hate to people who merely want to try something new .
On the down side to this sudden increase in said activity , popular hiking sites have become overcrowded and polluted . It ’ s disappointing to see how people have abused and disrespected all that nature has to offer . When this point was discussed in the interview with Juan Pablo , he expressed that it is unacceptable to throw trash , graffiti stones and start fires . These actions sadly reflect the lack of education individuals have over taking care of the environment . It ’ s incredible to see how such a wholesome activity as admiring or spending time in nature can become corrupted , leaving a negative footprint from society in the environment . Torres shared that he is convinced that rather than preventing the change , that so many people are finally taking advantage of their mountains , experienced hikers should serve as an example . If you wish to read more about what Juan Pablo Torres has to say towards the topic , make sure to scan the QR code in order to have access to the complete interview .
Brief Tips and Guides :
If you wish to begin hiking , these are some of the things you should follow . ( Provided by Juan Pablo Torres ) 1 . Never trust yourself more than you should , you always need to have respect for the mountain . 2 . Download the wikiloc app and pay the premium annuity ( It ’ s really important to learn how to use it ). 3 . Don ' t underestimate the heat , always carry extra water and adequate sun protection . 4 . Take a basic first aid course to learn what to do in an emergency . 5 . Research other emergency topics not related to first aid ( what to do if you meet a bear , a snake , if you get lost , etc ). 6 . Never go on a tour / hike alone , and never go on a tour / hike without telling someone where you are going to be . 7 . Wear appropriate clothing for the sun and always wear a cap or hat . 8 . Bring high calorie snacks , salty snacks and sweet snacks . 9 . Question ! Ask questions about a hike before you go , don ' t be embarrassed to be well prepared .
Be Respectful :
As well as taking care of yourself when going on a hike , it ’ s important to be conscious and respect the nature around you . 1 . If you plan to take your pet to the hill , always make sure to pick up his remains and keep him on a leash . 2 . When you go on a hike , never leave the path to prevent further damaging the environment with your footsteps . 3 . Apart from never throwing garbage , develop the habit of carrying a garbage bag with you to collect whatever you come across . 4 . If you go on a river tour , do not go to the bathroom near where the water runs . 5 . Do not feed the animals . 6 . Do not throw away the peels of your fruits ( as natural as it may seem , banana peels do NOT belong in these ecosystems and you can alter the cycle of the environment when you throw them away ).
La Cumbre Cotidiana : Juan Pablo Torres is one of the founders and leaders of La Cumbre Cotidiana . On their Instagram page you can find all sorts of content related to hiking … check out their page ! ( La Cumbre Cotidiana pictures ).