SUNDIAL 2021 | Page 24

The Definition of Happiness

Valeria SaldaƱa
The definition of happiness is quite obvious to some : it is the state of feeling joy . Underneath the general definition of the word , there is much more . Happiness varies between different people and to be happy is something different for everyone . Being with many people in a party could be what makes someone happy but for others it could be the exact opposite . It is in basic human nature that feeling secure gives someone a certain feeling of peace which can ultimately lead to happiness . But for others , adrenaline is what gets them going . Why is it so difficult to define happiness in just one way ? Every person is different and everyone has their own ways to live . People create their own laws that rule their lives which is what gives them order , motivation and individuality . To me , being happy is having everything be in order : my grades , my family , my social life , etc . For many of my peers , living on the edge and not knowing what is next makes them feel like life is worth living . All of this is based purely on personality and how one reacts to a certain situation . Everyone is different and no one truly knows what makes one person happy . One ' s reaction to something stems from not only their nature , but also their upbringing . People that suffer from traumas in their life might not be able to cope with day to day events because of the negative memories that come with it . Meaning that their happiness might differ from others . My point is clear , happiness is different for everyone and there is no way of telling what makes another person happy . But the question is , how do you find your own source of happiness ? The first step to getting to know yourself better is through spending some time alone . This quarantine season made me along with many of my peers realize that I don ' t necessarily have to be around a lot of people to be happy , I can make my own happiness . But on the other hand , others tend to feel very lonely when they are not allowed to be with a lot of people . Although I did miss my friends , I found that I can find joy in being alone . After finding if you would rather be alone or with others , you need to focus on your hobbies . For example , many find joy in running , and for others like me , it is the exact opposite . Finding your personalized definition of happiness is utterly important to your life . Knowing yourself helps you be able to communicate to others who you are with in turn can make them treat you the way you want to be treated . The definition of happiness is personal and although it may vary , the core of it is the same .