SUNDIAL 2021 | Page 40

In Biodiversity Lies Magnificence

Juan Sandoval
When you step outside your home and breathe in the fresh air , see the elder trees , or are annoyed by the buzzing bee that flies too close to comfort , you may fail to recognize the beauty in the ordinary . The complex systems that roam the earth are colorful , loud , and joyful ; however , they are often overlooked since we reward them as expected . Nevertheless , this may not be true for so long . We have turned a blind eye to the beauty of ecosystems and the sheer diversity that encompasses them . We face an ever-increasing risk of dismantling the splendor we often neglect .
Still , there is no need to imagine a hopeless future where we lose this beauty that many see as permanent . In reality , it is as temporary as we make it be . What I can say is that we may fit anywhere in a spectrum of impact – whether large , small , or anywhere in-between . Our actions provoke change and determine the consequences . No matter your position in this spectrum , you will have some sort of influence on what tomorrow looks like .
Not only does the loss of biodiversity have social and economic impacts , but it also places the majesty and sanctity of the places that make our earth beautiful into uttermost danger . The aesthetic qualities these spaces and species provide are nothing short of extraordinary . Nonetheless , I think biodiversity loss encompasses a lack of dynamic equilibrium that planet earth needs . We must remember that we are not alone , but a part of something bigger . What we have is extreme power , which can be used for good . It is essential to reward the importance of multifariousness in a moral context and humanity itself . It provides opportunities for many citizens , both economically and culturally . The beauty in the butterfly is not only found in its vivid and intricate wings . Rather , we may find it in the flowers it provides nutrients to , or in the systems that it comprises and how it makes their continuance possible . We may find beauty and importance in the treacherous journeys the monarchs undertake , which they now find even more challenging due to our sudden impact .
It is time to realize the importance and vitality of the alluring and sophisticated systems right outside of your doorstep . They are easier to identify than you may think . Locate them , identify their needs , and quickly get into action . Something small you never thought of might only be a minor inconvenience in your day but may have a long-lasting impact for generations to come . Leaving native plants undisturbed or visiting ecological interpretation centers might be one step towards a future where we appreciate the beauty of the planet ’ s systems .
Every tree we cut and every system we alter is one step towards catastrophe – may it be directly or indirectly , the effect is just as damaging . It is now time to repair our mistakes and become a change agent . Without determination , there is no hope for our future . However , I have nothing but a hopeful mentality for what is to come .