SUNDIAL 2021 | Page 38

The Pandemic as a Factor for the Escalation of Animal Cruelty

Cordelia Guzmán
Since the start of the pandemic back in March 2020 , domestic violence has increased in most homes worldwide . Countries have implemented lockdown strategies in order to decrease the spread of the virus . Many families enjoyed their time together , however , some families started suffering from aggressive behavior and violence within their home because the cannot tolerate being locked up together . Domestic abuse has risen about 25 % since the start of lockdown . Anger arising triggers some to get their excaspiration out with their pets by mistreating and hitting them , which is inexcusable . These innocent pets have become part of the domestic abuse cycle . Harm against those blameless domestic animals will keep increasing , seeing unrest in households are growing exponentially because of tensions between family members due to uncertainty on the defeat of Covid-19 .
It is surprising how some purposely kill their pets and later take them to the vet and lie about how the injuries had been caused , which is considered inhumane . Ironically , pets can be used as therapy when experiencing feelings like loneliness and desperation , but unfortunately many don ’ t use them towards their advantage . How do they dare hurt their companions ? Consequently , the doubt arose if it was possible that the virus could be spread from animals to humans . Without it being proven , animal owners started getting distant from their pets . This negatively impacted the welfare of animals and could be considered abuse since they don ’ t have the fault and are in a way being punished by not receiving the care and food needed to survive . Sadly pets started getting killed or abandoned by their owners .
Most people buy pets in order to build companionship and a great bond with them , however , some owners end up committing non-accidental injury ( NAI ) to the animals . They are lovable creatures that should have humans respect and protection , they are emotional living beings just like us . Covid-19 hasn ' t proven to be spread directly from animals to humans , so humans should stop the descrimination against them for these reasons . We tend to create discramination between us and animals , we view ourselves as more precious and important than them , this mentality has to change to help cease animal abuse . Humans who own pets should agree with the proper care and follow specific guidelines by the World Health Organizations when considering to own one . If they are not willing to treat their pets as supposed to , then they shoudnt own a pet in the first place . Animals don ’ t have voices , they can ' t ask for help , freedom or protection . We humans must be their voice .