Sunday Magazine Issue 600, 6-12 October, 2013 | Page 140

ARIES March 21 - April 19 Mercury will be in retrograde from October 21 to November 11. An incident is waiting to happen, but let's hope it is not painful for Pakistani's. Such a time is poor to start a business or purchasing Mercury-related items like ground transportation, computers, printers and cell phones. In fact, if you want to make a major purchase - car, truck, motorcycle, computer, etc. - then respect the wider dates of October 12 to November 27. You're focused on money, cash flows, earnings and possessions (which could include shopping) but don't spend your money on anything other than food. TAURUS April 20 - May 20 Saturn opposite your sign occurs once every 30 years. It lasts about two years. It's discouraging and makes you feel tired and world-weary. You feel your ambitions are thwarted and partnerships are troublesome. Some relationships will end. Nevertheless, you're regrouping and gathering your forces. If others make demands on you, you will show them you've got what it takes. You're strong enough to confront others and protect your own interests. The next seven years you will go forward to achieve important goals. For years you've been reinventing yourself and trying to prove yourself and now you're out of the starting gate. GEMINI May 21 - June 20 I've pulled a Queen card from the tarot deck. It suggests for you a week of love, lightheartedness and connections. Often when this card appears, a childhood friend, an old sweetheart, a sibling, etc comes back into your life bringing sweet times and reminiscences. Go ahead and be carefree this week - the attitude and lightness have a lesson for you. Let yourself play. CANCER June 21 - July 22 There are hidden lessons in every single one of life's traumas. Our job is simply to look for them. My tarot deck shows a Seven of Cups card for you this week. It may seem as though there are a slew of opportunities available for you, but the reality is that only a couple of them are really viable. From your Cornucopia of 'could-be's, some choices will disappear like vapor when you grab for them this week. There is a gift or two for you out there. This is an opportunity to practice non-attachment to outcomes and trust that you will be able to hold on to that which is truly best for your evolution LEO July 23 - August 22 Every choice you make goes a long way in writing the book that is your life. What happens in future chapters depends on how you will write todays. This week's card for you is the Page of Swords. This card suggests that you are being exposed to alternative viewpoints. Something has inspired you to explore various sides of an issue and to glean information from numerous sources and distill it all into a useful philosophy. Your way of thinking is changing and that is good. VIRGO Aug 23 - Sept 22 Sometimes we are in such a hurry to reach the finish line that we forget about the importance of the journey. Success is not the end result. The real rewards could be building strength. The card for you this week is the Card of Judgment, illustrating Judgment Day. This might sound a little spooky, but it's really about stepping out of your past and trusting in a fresh, new life. It is freedom from past mistakes, past regrets, and unfulfilled dreams. This week your success lies in looking back at how far you've come and finding the beauty in every step of the journey. LIBRA Sept 23 - Oct 22 Asking "how could this happen to me?" keeps us stuck. When we ask "why did this happen to me?" we allow ourselves to learn the lesson and move forward. The card for you this week is the Card of Scales, depicting ten wands. This suggests you are going be a busy little beaver. Maybe too busy. It looks like your reserves are tapped out and yet you keep pushing. Do yourself a favor and limit your duties to only the biggest fires. Delegate what you can and put as much as possible on the back burner. This is not the time to try to be brave or stoic or independent or any of that. You will actually be protecting your bottom line and your future interests if you focus now. Embrace the notion that it's okay to say no. once in a while. SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 21 It's time to restore balance, fairness, and harmony. Just is a return to rightness. You may see a verdict fall in your favor this week, you may be informed of an inheritance, or you may be presented with a contract. Or it's just as likely that you will be in a position to judge what is in the interest of fair play, what will resolve issues and bind agreements, and what will restore the peace. Honor boundaries and speak your truth. Do the right thing and Karma will do right by you. SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 Dec 21 Nobody's perfect and we all have bad days. Beating yourself up won't get you nearly as far as having patience with yourself will. The card for you this week is the Two of Cups card. Two's are about merging and cups are about emotions. So this card indicates a sharing of emotions. Often this card comes up at the first blush of a new romance, the first time the L word is shared, or when a relationship reaches a new plateau. Sometimes it's not romantic; it can be a friendship or a work relationship or a really tight group forming. Be gentle but brave… And let the love flow. CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 19 Your card this week is the Ace of Cups, which indicates a new emotional cycle. This card is mating and relating. Communing with others is a definite. It may be that there are new people who are easy to welcome into your life, it may be fresh starts ??]??Y?[??[???[??]?[?\?H??X?Y?[][??\??X^X?H]?[?H]H??? ?Z]\???^K] ??[YH??[?H??X\?[?\??X\??[?\??Y]?K???ZXY[?]?H[?H[?H?\?HX??]X?X[B????][?H?\?K???TUPT?UT??[? ? H?X? 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