Sun Sailor Wayzata Readers' Choice 2025


Thank you for voting us “ Best Boutique ” and “ Best Gift Shop ”!

Five Swans and its staff have always enjoyed a wonderful friendship with the Wayzata community and those www just passing . fiveswans through . We are . forever comthankful for the support that we have received for so many years and look forward to seeing you soon !

315 E . Lake Street Wayzata , MN 55391

315 E . Lake Street Wayzata , MN 55391 952-473-4685 952-473-4685 • www . fivesswns . com

Family Owned and Operated Since 1964

Thank You for for voting voting

David Lee Funeral Home # 1 in David Wayzata Lee Funeral and Plymouth Home !# 1 Wayzata !

Atradition tradition of of serving serving the the west west suburban suburban area area for for over over
50 50 years years .
952-473-5577 www . davidleefuneralhome . com 1220 East Wayzata Boulevard Wayzata , Minnesota 55391
Where Service is Tradition .
Michael Lee Funeral Director
Mark Arnold Funeral Director
Jason Schuck Director ’ s Assistant