• Rex Knight - Vice-Provost ( Operations ), UCL & Jon Moon - Consultant , SUMS Agile Working Facilitating Professional Services Migration to New Offices UCL had just completed the first phase of a move that saw the University ’ s Professional Services occupy the whole of a newly acquired , fit-for-purpose , open plan building . To make best use of space , maximise capacity , organisational agility and better support staff , UCL is implementing agile working across Professional Services and recognise this as a major change that will need support . Rex and Jon shared some of the key points around the planning and approach , the challenges and the benefits .
• Gill Sadler - Head of Improvement and Planning , University of Hertfordshire Engagement-driven Process Improvement The University of Hertfordshire embarked on a process improvement programme . Key to its approach was early and ongoing engagement with academic and professional staff , both School and centrally based , not as stakeholders but as full members of the improvement team . Gill presented an approach to process improvement that focuses on people , acknowledges their different perspectives and uses these to enhance capability . This approach , supported by a practical toolkit , is applicable to a range of improvement scenarios .
Dinner with Jean Tomlin
Jean has delivered a series of landmark Start-Up and Transformation programmes , most notably mobilising the UK ’ s largest peace-time workforce of 200,000 , including the 70,000 Games Makers , for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games . A small group of members enjoyed Jean ’ s fascinating talk on motivation – the conversation continued over dinner .
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