1670 – Print Implementation 2
SUMS had played an on-going role helping to define requirements and project manage the implementation , while supporting a handover to an in-house project manager . As the project manager took more responsibility our role moved to clarifying requirements and monitoring benefits realisation . The project has now had a successful pilot and roll-out is continuing .
1727 – Virtual Project Office Review
The assignment reviewed the project management services and structures at Oxford Brookes to assess the effectiveness of project delivery across the institution . We compared the model in place with other HE institutions , to make recommendations around the approach , methods , governance and resourcing of the major strategic initiatives , including estates , IT and process improvement projects .
1733 – Merchandising
We helped inform the development of corporate merchandising . We drew on our consultants ’ commercial experience and previous SUMS work . Offerings at other universities were investigated to formulate high level estimates of potential sales and options were brought forward to capitalise on opportunities .
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