1678 – Academic Workload Model
Cumbria has had an Academic Workload Model in place since 2012 and it was considered timely to review
progress made and consider future developments. Cumbria asked SUMS to investigate a number of specific
areas such as alignment to Timetabling and Staff Performance Development Review, meeting the needs of
Heads of Department, use of systems, and alignment to University Strategy.
SUMS consulted with other universities and, coupled with our previous work in this area, we were able to
make recommendations in relation to future direction and priorities.
1679 – Strategy Development Support
The University of Cumbria asked SUMS to help facilitate and support the final stages of the strategy
development process in order to update the University’s existing Strategic Plan. We worked closely with the
University’s Executive Group and Planning Team to consolidate, test and align the supporting and enabling
strategies. We worked intensively over a short period with the Executive Group, supporting and helping them
agree priorities and plans for the University Strategy.
Activities 23