Thanks to everyone who was able to attend the 2018 WDALA Fall Seminar at the North Dakota Heritage Center on September 18 and 19. Our profit was $1355.66 which is awesome. We appreciate the comments on the surveys and invite anyone to join the committee (just let me know if I can add you to the committee list). We do a lot of work, but we have fun too.
We are working on lining up speakers but wanted to make sure to get the dates to you so you can mark your 2019 calendar: October 1st and October 2nd.
We will kick off the seminar on October 1st with registration at 12:30, and our first speaker will begin at 1 pm. We will end our speaker presentations by 4:30 pm. But wait, we won't end the day, we will move out to the Atrium for the WDALA 35th Anniversary Celebration from 5-9 pm. (Board Members: the board meeting will be from 11 – 12:30 on the 1st.)
Then on October 2nd, we will begin our first presentation at 8:30 am and be done by 5 pm.
Happy 2019!
WDALA 2019 Fall Seminar Committee
Afton Basden, Nilla Fry, Melissa Hamilton, Alice Johnson, Elvedina Papalichev, Corrina Pfaff, Candy Schafer, Charlene Smith, ReBecka Wohl
"Think Positive, Be Positive and Positive Things Will Happen."
Save the Date!
WDALA Spring Seminar
April 30, 2019
Northern Plains Inn, Minot