Summons Fall 2017 | Page 5


The checkbook balance is $10,752.72 as of July 19, 2017. I cannot believe another WDALA year is passing by; being Treasurer of this amazing association for the past four years has been so much fun. This job is busiest in September/October and April/May and I am very grateful to all of you for your help, guidance and friendship.

The Committee is getting ready for the WDALA Fall Seminar on September 19 & 20 at the Heritage Center in Bismarck. We are so excited about a different venue, plus our slate of speakers. There is already information on the WDALA website and brochures will be sent to members and law firms (in the WDALA area) in the near future. Please feel free to share the information with someone you think might want to attend.

I hope you are also checking out the NALA website for upcoming seminars, etc. They really have some interesting topics and I have taken a few of them online. I try to continue to stay educated in the various areas of law and hope you are too.

Wow, the summer is just flying by for me, I am sure your summer is going by too quickly also. We did manage trips to Denver and Minneapolis, and hope to make the Medora Musical in August.

See you in September!!!!!

Corrina Pfaff

WDALA Treasurer