Summer Reads Catalog 2018_Summer Reads Catalog - Final | Page 17

Linda W. Yezak The Circle Bar Ranch Series: Christian Fiction at its finest! Book Five Follow the romance between New York socialite, Patricia Talbert, and Texas rancher/bull rider, Talon Carlson, from meeting to wedding! When bombs fall on Jerusalem, Shale and Daniel rescue an orphan and return to the first century. Amid supernatural tribulation, they attempt to unravel the mysterious disappearance of Daniel’s father and the goal of the New World Order. When multiple realities collide, God reveals once again time is an illusion until the appointed times. Chris Pepple Chris Pepple invites you into her conversations on healing, on change, on faith, on courage, on determination, on love, and on self-discovery. She shares her voice with readers as she gives us glimpses into the journey she has traveled on-a journey that has taken her through grief as she led the funeral for a relative who died from complications from AIDS, through pain as she struggled to free herself from domestic abuse, and through joy as she raised two courageous daughters who found their own voices. 2018_Summer Reads Catalog.indd 17 03/07/18 11:16 AM