Summer Reading Catalog 2019 Southern Writers_ Summer catalog 2019 (5) | Page 5

i n n n g Author i W d r a w A Judy DuCharme The Cheesehead Devotional Kickoff Edition — Go to the Packer games and meet the players while being drawn to the realities of God’s love and purposes. Audio Available. One Award. Blood Moon Redemption — gripping from beginning to the last moon rise. Set in current political and Biblical events, Blood Moon Redemption will keep you on the edge of your seat. It was just a relic, and hers, just a name – who really knew what time it was? Audio Available. Five Awards. Run With the Wind — Ride with the Cracker Cowboys in historical Florida as they take the cattle to market, and follow the journey of Linney Merritt as one cowboy steals her heart while they save the lives of calves. Society of the L.A.M.B — futuristic and allegorical story of young people who learn to stand strong in the face of persecution. Audio Available. The Cheesehead Devotional Hall of Fame Edition — walk with Packer greats along the road of adventure, honor, and faith. Judy connects each player, each glorious victory and devastating loss to eternal truths and principles for purposeful living. Four Awards. Christmas Ivy — a short story of a mysterious visitation on Christmas morning which answered all her prayers – but it must have been a dream. Two Awards. – view trailers for Blood Moon Redemption and Society of the L.A.M.B., blogs, and a Bible Study. Facebook: judyducharme.18; judy ducharme author. Twitter: @PackerJudy