Sevenoaks School is one of the world ’ s leading academic institutions and Sevenoaks School Summer Programmes offer a selection of challenging academic courses , aimed at bright , ambitious students aged 11-16 .
Our flagship course is The Summer Programme , a two-week academic enrichment programme teaching four modules : Critical Thinking , Social Leadership , Creativity and Digital Skills . These modules are split into junior and senior student pathways . Each module is a ten-hour course and the variety on offer is designed to develop soft skills and produce students who are capable in a variety of fields , while giving a taste of what academic life is like at Sevenoaks School .
We also offer an English Language Course , designed by Sevenoaks School ’ s own specialist language teachers . The course is aimed at students looking to improve their general and academic English skills in preparation for exams or further study . Our bespoke course will ensure students leave us with an enhanced level of confidence and aptitude in using English , both formally and informally .
Our Music Programme is for ambitious musicians looking to broaden their skillset and delve further into the subject on a course designed and run by Sevenoaks Music staff . This unique course spans performance , composition , history and analysis to produce innovative , inclusive and insightful musicians .
The Summer Programme classes are separated by age , while the English and Music programmes are divided by age and ability . For all courses , parents receive a detailed report from their child ’ s teachers at the end of their stay , as well as a certificate of attainment .