English language courses at Sevenoaks School are carefully designed by Sevenoaks School teachers to ensure students leave with an enhanced level of spoken and academic English , while learning in a dynamic and collaborative way . Students on this programme will study two main components : general and academic English .
All students will take both General English and Academic English . The General English course is designed to improve students ’ skills in reading , writing , speaking and listening , deepen their understanding of grammar in order to improve accuracy in speaking and writing , and develop their confidence and knowledge of English vocabulary , in order to use it in real-life circumstances .
Academic English is aimed at those students with specific academic goals . Whether it is entry to a UK boarding school , formal English assessments or preparation for the workplace , this course helps students achieve those goals , through carefully structured lessons working on formal use of the English language .
In both General English and Academic English , British pupils from Sevenoaks School come in each day and spend afternoons with the international students , working collaboratively on projects , and allowing them to put their learnings into practice .