Summer Catalog 2024 FromMyLibrary 1432 | Page 6


If you were to ask , most people would say that the one thing they want in life is to be happy . But you have probably already discovered that happiness can easily come and go , because happiness is a feeling that is based on circumstances . And circumstances can quickly change .
But in John 10:10 , Jesus said He came to give us something more than happiness . He came to give us life — abundant life !
Those who put their faith in Jesus can experience both the joys of life more abundantly here on earth and life everlasting with Him in heaven . According to Romans 6:23 , there is only one way to have this eternal life : “ The wages of sin is death , but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord .”
Although everyone has sinned and deserves death ( eternal separation from God in hell ), God has given us a gift — the gift of eternal life through Jesus . Jesus , the only sinless sacrifice , paid the price for our sins through His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead . “ But God demonstrates his own love for us in this : While we were still sinners , Christ died for us ” ( Romans 5:8 ). Jesus did what we as sinners could not do for ourselves . Therefore , it is only through Him that we are able to have the gift of eternal life .
The following prayer is a guideline to help you tell God that you want to accept His gift of eternal life :
Dear God ,
I know that I am a sinner . Thank You for sending Your perfect Son Jesus to die in my place . I trust that it is only through His sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection from the dead that I am able to have a right relationship with you now and for eternity . Please save me from my sin so that I can live with you forever . In Jesus ’ name , Amen
If you have accepted God ’ s gift of eternal life , please let us know so we can encourage you and pray for you . To learn more about the Christian life , we suggest reading the Gospel of John in the New Testament .
In Discovering Daniel , bestselling author Amir Tsarfati reveals how Daniel ’ s prophecies — and his unwavering faith — provide vital insights for living in today ’ s culture with hope and wisdom . Paperback $ 16.99
Workbook Paperback $ 14.99
AMIR TSARFATI Paperback $ 17.99