Summer Camp Guide 2025 | Page 6

Camper Information Forms
Camp Goals
Intake Meetings
Parent Information
Communication and Safety


Camper Information Forms
Camper Information Forms will be sent to all campers after registration is completed . They will be due back to NSSRA by April 1 .
Camp Goals
To provide campers with recreation and leisure activities during the summer months . Activities will focus on socialization , independence , motor development , leisure education and an overall sense of well-being through participation .
Intake Meetings
All new campers will be contacted by Stephany Hoch to set up an intake and observation meeting .
Parent Information
Camp specific information will be emailed approximately two weeks before the start of camp . This will include site details and calendar of events .
Communication and Safety
Communication books will be used daily for each camper to help facilitate communication between families and staff . Communication books will be sent home on the first day of camp .
If your child requires specific accommodations , please contact Stephany Hoch at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6812 or shoch @ nssra . org .
6 nssra . org / camps | ( 847 ) 509-9400 General Camp Information